As an essential service, providing mental health support to the community, the Transformative Mind & Body Wellbeing Centre has remained open throughout all Covid lockdowns. We are therefore open now and providing all services. However we are following a number of new Covid-19 Safety procedures that are in-line with Government safety and social distancing guidelines. They are as follows:
• You may be contacted by your therapist in advance of your session and asked to confirm that you are not symptomatic. If you yourself, or anyone in your household, has a cough, temperature or cold and flu symptoms, you should not, under any circumstances, visit the Centre.
Upon Arrival
• Immediately upon arrival at the Centre please wash and/or sanitise your hands thoroughly. Hand sanitiser is available.
• You will be asked to give your permission for us to take your temperature.
About Temperature Checks:
Temperature checks obviously do not detect the virus in people who are asymptomatic or in the incubation period, but they do provide another line of defence for the Centre and everybody that visits it, and they do also add another level of reassurance for us all.
The thermometer will be held about 5cm / 2 inches from your forehead, and a reading taken. You are welcome to ask to see your reading. The reading will be in Centigrade. Anything between 36 and 37 is normal. Anything between 37 and 38 is within the acceptable range (although you will be asked again if you are feeling ok or if you have, or have had, a headache or cough). If your temperature is 38 or over your session will be postponed and you will be asked to re-schedule your appointment.
During Your Appointment
• Strictly no hand shaking please.
• Stay more than 2m apart throughout appointments. Your therapist will help facilitate this and all of our treatment rooms are large enough to facilitate this easily.
• All of our treatments rooms are well ventilated and we recommend that a window is kept open to increase ventilation further during all appointments.
• It is optional for you or for your therapist to wear masks or gloves (not provided). This is left to your own discretion and to the discretion of your therapist. If you would like your therapist to wear a mask and/or gloves, please indicate this preference to your therapist in advance of your appointment.
Other Measures
• Please be assured that we maintain the highest standards of sanitisation and Covid-19 safety procedures at the Transformative Mind & Body Wellbeing Centre. All our treatment rooms will be thoroughly sanitised between appointments.