Maggie Dagge is an accredited Creative Arts Psychotherapist (MA – Dramatherapy) and an accredited Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist (MSc). Maggie works with children, adolescents and young adults from 4 years to 24 years of age. Maggie provides parenting support work if the child is under 4 years or is unable to attend. Maggie is happy to work with both child and parent(s) in the room if this is beneficial to the child and also provides pre-birth parent support.
Trained in Ireland, the UK and the USA Maggie Dagge brings a trauma-informed approach to her practice. Maggie appreciates a fully transparent dialogue with clients, parents and employers and adheres to a strong ethos of clinical honesty for her clients to recognise their potential.
In 2012 Maggie graduated from Maynooth University with a MA in Dramatherapy. During this training Maggie encountered the DvT method of dramatherapy and began training in both London and New Haven in its application. In 2017 Maggie spent three months working as a resident at the Post Traumatic Stress Centre in New Haven further exploring DvT with a trauma informed approach on their ALIVE programme. Trauma informed DvT dramatherapy is the style of practice that Maggie now employs with her clients. Maggie is accredited with the Irish association of creative arts therapists (IACAT) for her dramatherapy clinical interventions.
In 2021 Maggie Dagge graduated with an MSc in child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy from Trinity College Dublin. Maggie completed a further three years clinical training with The Irish Institute of Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic psychotherapy (IICAPP), 2021-2024. Maggie is accredited with the Irish forum of child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy (IFCAPP) for her psychoanalytic clinical interventions and a member of The Irish council of psychotherapy (ICP).
Maggie Dagge. M-IACAT. Creative Arts Psychotherapy (MA). M-IFCAPP. Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (MSc)